The Hot Handle

A blog interspersed with occasional gluten free recipes.

Please note: If you have a family member who requires a gluten free diet, be sure to use a cast iron skillet that has never previously touched gluten....and if it has, scrub it all down completely and re-season, to be on the safe side.

Looking for information on Celiac Disease? There are many good sites, but here is one to get started with:

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Covid Chronicles, Week 29

 Lots of "house stuff" this past week.....

In August I ordered an outdoor heater, similar to the kinds you see at restaurants that have patios, and they are trying to extend the use of the patio through the colder months.  

Well, now it is all set up and we've given it a go, when John visited on Wednesday evening for dinner.  

Then, on Friday, just as we were leaving for our weekly picnic,
our little tables arrived, which we purchased 
for the sides of the new gas fireplace in the living room!
They were made in Ohio, 
either by Amish or Mennonites, 
but it's "Amish furniture."
Cherry wood with a cherry finish.....they look great!

You can see the doorway to the hall, at the left.
That's the one we cut into the wall.  
Now I can be in the living room and hear what is going on in the kitchen!
It's much better for "flow," if we ever get to have company inside again.  

(Silly me, of course we will.  It's just a matter of time.)  

Wishing you warm evenings with a gentle glow!