The Hot Handle

A blog interspersed with occasional gluten free recipes.

Please note: If you have a family member who requires a gluten free diet, be sure to use a cast iron skillet that has never previously touched gluten....and if it has, scrub it all down completely and re-season, to be on the safe side.

Looking for information on Celiac Disease? There are many good sites, but here is one to get started with:

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Covid Chronicles, Week 25

 Happy September!!!!

This week I am pondering my "Covid Dreams."

You know, the kind of dream where you are in a really crowded place,
and you suddenly realize that no one is wearing masks,
and you aren't either?

I had one where I was at a house party.
People were EVERYWHERE.
No masks, indoors, lots of people!

I realized I didn't want to be there.
I had to search from room to room to find Peter.
I said, "I want to go home!"
He indicated that now wasn't the time.  Emoji

I must have freaked out enough to realize that I was in a bed. 
But I thought the bed was in this crowded house.
Yikes, I was sleeping all night in this crowded house?  Emoji

Then I actually woke up.  

It's comforting to be able to keep saying to yourself, 
"Relax, it was just a dream.  It didn't really happen."  Emoji

I have a feeling others have these types of dreams, too.  
Peter noticed having a few of these after I shared mine with him.
I've had a number of them so far!

Have you had one?


On Sunday my Facebook page reminded me of a memory from August 30, 2013.
It's definitely a keeper!
I decided to re-post it onto a Speech Pathology group page that I belong to.  
I got OVER 1,000 "likes," and over 26 ALL-POSITIVE comments!
1092 at last count.  
I'm so glad they could relate.....

Here it is:

Today I made a quick stop at a local grocery store. An elderly man was outside selling raffle tickets. After I asked what it was for, I knew he had a communication impairment because he only pointed at the prizes.
I didn't have money on me at the time, so I went back to my car after accumulating my $1.50 on bottle deposits. I needed $3.
He was so pleased that I returned! He then thanked me using his assistive communication device, a older-looking model on which he typed in a sentence and it spoke for him.
"I'm a speech pathologist. I know about things like that," I smiled.
"I don't like the girl," he replied, and I realized that he disliked the female voice it used. He pushed the device toward me.
I was reluctant. Perhaps this unit had broken a bit, and there was no male voice.
"Oh, I don't really know about these...." but he persisted.
Okay, look for what makes sense..... After a few of my attempts, a loud male voice resounded from the unit.
He was so thrilled! He wanted to GIVE me more raffle tickets, but I didn't think that would be right.
Gosh - It's amazing how doing an act of kindness can perk up a day.
Feeling happy ��