The Hot Handle

A blog interspersed with occasional gluten free recipes.

Please note: If you have a family member who requires a gluten free diet, be sure to use a cast iron skillet that has never previously touched gluten....and if it has, scrub it all down completely and re-season, to be on the safe side.

Looking for information on Celiac Disease? There are many good sites, but here is one to get started with:

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Covid Chronicles, Week 17

Perhaps you are like me in that, during this darn Covid crisis, some days I feel like I'm rocking it; other days I just feel like crying.  Luckily my "lows" are getting less frequent, however. 

Last week I had a day where I was rocking it:  I did my power exercise routine with weights for an hour, working up a sweat.  I also worked for about four hours organizing my recipes, which are in four three-ring binders.  They are greatly pared down now, and still in four three-ring binders, but they are no longer overflowing, and they are fairly organized.  I even went for a few walks that day, and achieved well over my 10K steps goal! 

I'm trying to keep this momentum up.  Yesterday I cleared out my shoe areas, and each day I'm trying to do a little bit more to reduce our "stuff."  I think it's good for me to have daily "objectives" to meet.  We all need a sense of accomplishment.  

On Thursday, July 2, Peter was out working at his new garden.  He came in slightly earlier than expected, and when I saw him run to the sink with a bloody mess in his hands I gasped and exclaimed, "Is that YOU?"  He responded, "Yes, but it isn't as bad as it looks."  

Apparently he cut the outside of his thumb with a hand saw.  (How ironic!)  I dropped everything to drive him to our nearest walk-in center that can do stitching.  Luckily he was able to move his fingers and all; that's a good sign.  Of course, due to Covid I waited in the parking lot while he went in and waited for his turn, etc.  He texted me photos here and there.  The whole thing only took about two hours total, so it didn't impact our day except for a late lunch.  Some ibuprofen before bed helped him to sleep without pain.  And yes, he has antibiotics.  

Inline image

Yesterday Peter finally was able to go back to Asnuntuck Community College to get back to the lab work for his class in welding. Since he's right handed, the injury doesn't seem to matter too much. It should be pretty safe for him to go into a well-ventilated welding booth by himself, especially with hardly anyone else in the building!  He'll be happy when he is finally done with this class, just for the fact that it was suspended for quite a while due to Covid.   

Last week in the CSA I received kohlrabi.  I got another one today!  It's an interesting vegetable that looks like Sputnik. In the past I've make kohlrabi chips in the oven, but now that I have two large bulbs I'm planning on googling some other recipes.  Will probably roast them this time.  Roasted veggies always seem to taste good!