The Hot Handle

A blog interspersed with occasional gluten free recipes.

Please note: If you have a family member who requires a gluten free diet, be sure to use a cast iron skillet that has never previously touched gluten....and if it has, scrub it all down completely and re-season, to be on the safe side.

Looking for information on Celiac Disease? There are many good sites, but here is one to get started with:

Monday, August 3, 2020

Covid Chronicles, Week 21

I know that last week I posted a video of how masks work, but this one is 100 times more entertaining!
Watch this one for a laugh!

Do Masks Work Or Not Proving Whether Masks Stop Covid 19 Transmission with Uncle Rob


Last week we finally harvested some of our Shishito peppers, 
which are growing on our back porch in pots.  
Approximately one of ten of these peppers pack a punch, the rest are sweet.
They are served blistered in olive oil from a frying pan, with a simple sprinkling of salt.
Take a pepper by the stem and eat it!
The fun is not knowing when you'll get a hot one!

This time we charred the peppers in a vegetable basket on the grill.
Then they were tossed with olive oil, and sprinkled with salt.
Delicious!!!  And much better than splattering oil all over the stove!
We didn't get any that were actually hot, just a few that were a bit spicier than others.

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